with Dr. Marc Gafni
One Mountain Many Paths
Every Sunday 10 am Pacific Time
One Mountain, Many Paths is a weekly, interactive, online broadcast that includes rich, spiritually activating, transformational content, group prayer and encouragement to live love as religion.
Our mission is to generate the Planetary Awakening in Love through Unique Self Symphonies that is at the core of political and social revolution of love.
Each week at 10 AM Pacific we gather on zoom for a live broadcast that is also livestream on the One Mountain Many Paths facebook page and youtube channel.
To join us live on this Sunday, just register below for free access!
Come 10 minutes before the live broadcast at 9:50 AM Pacific Time for music and chanting.
Sign up for Weekly Live Teaching with Dr. Marc Gafni
Every Sunday at 10 a.m. Pacific Time
Responding to Existential Risk with a New Story of CosmoErotic Humanism

One Mountain is a weekly transmission of timeless and evolutionary wisdom, aggregated through the ages, distilled for today’s great, and terrible realities.
We must drink deeply from the most relevant sacred insights about our human and spiritual nature in order to wake up and grow up into our own maturation and greatness as individuals. From here we can show up collectively to embody the new era of humanity and unlock our most thriving future.
Dr. Marc Gafni and the late Barbara Marx Hubbard have devoted their lives to articulating the most precise, impactful integrations of sacred teachings throughout history so we can each show up to One Mountain and leave enthralled by our oneness, purpose and potential!
While there are many paths up ‘the Mountain’, 'One Mountain, Many Paths' is devoted to revealing the mountain itself and this leads to profound, transformational insights that will leave you more empowered to step into your personal purpose as a creator.
That's why we always say in our services:
We are a church, a synagogue, a mosque, a temple, a zendo...we’re all of it. No one is excluded, everyone is included… and we come together to attune to the evolutionary impulse awakening within us… WELCOME HOME!!
About Dr. Marc Gafni
Gafni is a visionary thinker, social activist and passionate philosopher. He is known for his "source code teachings”, including Unique Self theory and the Five Selves, the Amorous Cosmos, A Politics of Evolutionary Love, A Return to Eros and Digital Intimacy.
He is author of twenty five books, of which the first ten have been published, including the award-winning Your Unique Self: The Radical Path to Personal Enlightenment.
He holds his doctorate in philosophy from Oxford University, as well as Orthodox rabbinic ordination.
Gafni is playing a pivotal role in evolving a new ‘dharma,’ or meta-theory of meaning overflowing with heart - a new set of distinctions, that is helping to re-shape key pivoting points in global consciousness and culture.
He teaches on the cutting edge of philosophy and spirit in the West, with the aim of participating in the articulation of what Dr. Gafni together with Dr. Zak Stein and colleagues are calling CosmoErotic Humanism.
At the core of CosmoErotic Humanism is what Dr. Gafni and Dr. Stein are calling ‘First Principles and First Values’, Anthro-Ontology, and a “Universal Grammar of Value”.
This is the ground of a new shared universe story and a new narrative of identity for the new human and the new humanity. This is what they are calling the emergence from Homo sapiens to Homo Amor.
This shared story rooted in First Principles and First Values can then serve as the matrix for a global ethos for a global civilization.

This work highly depends on the support of our community!
If this labor of love has made your own life more Good, True and Beautiful, and you desire for Outrageous Love to reach more and more people, please consider aiding its sustenance with a one-time or loyal donation. Your support makes all the difference.
As you bless, so are you blessed. As you gift, so are you gifted.
Thank you!