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Help publish the Evolutionary Sensemaking Books!

We are committed to publish all 300 previous episodes of One Mountain into Evolutionary Sensemaking Books, to infuse public culture with this New Story of Evolutionary Love! 

Learn more below about how you can step into this revolutionary project!

The vision...

Our mission is to respond to existential risk with a New Story of CosmoErotic Humanism. We have come together for our weekly broadcast for over 300 weeks, to articulate a new story for the new human and the new humanity. 

Imagine that we would create a little library of our weekly One Mountain Broadcast, that serves as a time capsule for future generations to receive these Evolutionary Love Codes, these memes that have the power to transform the very DNA of Kosmos now and in the future? 

Our first step here in One Mountain is to articulate a new shared global story that generates the possibility of a global civilization (that serves as a context for our diversity). 

But the next step is to make sure that this priceless information and knowledge is penetrating public culture, now and in the future. 

It is our responsibility to make this New Story for a New Humanity available to everyone! 

Evolutionary Sense Making Books

So our commitment as a community of pioneering souls is to publish the entire archive of 300 episodes of One Mountain, Many Paths into books. 

The first step has been completed in the last year: 300 episodes have already been transcribed and gone through a first editing round. 

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We are now gathering a group of editors to take these books through the second editing round [you are welcome to get involved!] 

To keep this project as low cost as possible, we are partnering with evolutionary souls like yourself, to co-create these books in Unique Self Symphony.

However... publishing a book inevitably costs money.

We calculated that each book costs a minimum of $1000 -$1500 to take through the publishing process (think: proofreading, indexing, interior and exterior design etc). 

So here's how you can help:


This is a moment when we turn to each other and ask to make a special contribution to One Mountain above and beyond our monthly contribution. 

Every dollar makes a difference. Every dollar goes towards creating, not just a better tomorrow, but a tomorrow! Every dollar creates our future.

For the first 12 books to publish, we need 30 people committing to pledge $50/month for a year, or twelve people committing to pledge a one time donation of $1500. 

  1. Become a member of One Mountain for $50 a month.

    You will get 9 self study courses and access to join the live co-study group in September. [If you are already a member, please consider raising your monthly contribution!]

  2. Adopt a book for a one time donation of $1000. 

    We will honor your gift with a special thank you in the acknowledgement section of the book. 


  3. Step into the Evolutionary Sensemaking Editors Community - and share the gift of your time. Email for more info.

    We will
     honor your contribution with a special thank you in the acknowledgement section of the book. 

This is truly ours to do. This is our revolution of Outrageous Love. This is our response to existential risk. Reality desperately needs us to play this larger game.

There are a billion acts of Outrageous Love that are committed all over the world in every second. 

Which is yours to do right now?

Become a member:

Adopt a book:

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