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We are so grateful to be a part of this band of Outrageous Lovers.

Get to know some of our friends and hear about their experience with One Mountain! ​



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Jacqueline for One Mountain, Many Paths

Jacqueline for One Mountain, Many Paths

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Testimonial Rob Van der Loo for One Mountain Many Paths

Testimonial Rob Van der Loo for One Mountain Many Paths

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Joyce Pfaffle for One Mountain, Many Paths

Joyce Pfaffle for One Mountain, Many Paths

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Jacqueline Clark

One Mountain, Many Paths is a place where I can come together with other people who feel as passionate as I do about changing our world.

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Rob van der Loo

One Mountain, Many Paths... delivers a very strong transmission of energy, like opening heart, opening consciousness that is changing my life.

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"JoySee" Pfaffle

I’ve experienced so much in One Mountain. My unique gifts make my heart sing as I focus on what I am doing and sharing where needed

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Jacqueline Clark

One Mountain, Many Paths is a place where I can come together with other people who feel as passionate as I do about changing our world.

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Rob van der Loo

One Mountain, Many Paths... delivers a very strong transmission of energy, like opening heart, opening consciousness that is changing my life.

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"JoySee" Pfaffle

I’ve experienced so much in One Mountain. My unique gifts make my heart sing as I focus on what I am doing and sharing where needed


One Mountain, Many Paths


Joyce Pfaffle

I’ve experienced so much in One Mountain. What rises to the top though is an understanding of Unique Self.  Before I really got that concept, I just thought I was a strange duck—not valuing what others valued in me. For example -- People love my cooking and praise me for it, but I don’t love doing it.  If given a choice between cooking and organizing, editing, or writing, I’d not choose cooking!  I still cook with love, but I’m IN love with those unique skills.
 My unique gifts make my heart sing as I focus on what I am doing and sharing where needed! Right now, that is with One Mountain as transcription coordinator and by editing of Sunday episodes in a Unique Self Symphony with others!
 Unique Self work changed my perspective about life and my perspective of my daughters as well!  On their birthdays this year, I wrote a list of twenty or so specific things about them that I saw were their unique gifts. Individually, they each cried with happiness from my recognition as to who they were and are today.
 What a gift it was--for me to give and to receive as well!
Tina Sisco
“I wanted to share my story with you. I was a completely different person months ago. I was in so much pain from past hurts and disappointments. It got to the point where I was carrying my world on my shoulders alone. I started spiraling down a dark path fast. I hated. I hated God, I hated people. I was jaded. I trusted no one. I became a person I did not even know. I had so many gifts but I felt so much pain. I was unloved, underappreciated, hateful. Then the world stopped when the pandemic came. You know it was a funny thing. A few days before I had a dream that something fell from the sky and everyone stopped and watched. Time stood still. And it did when the pandemic hit. I started to feel despair. How was I going to do this alone? They were cutting hours and how was I to take care of my autistic Son and pay my bills? What If I got the virus? What if my family did? I started to spiral out of control in a different way. Then I started attending the One Church on Zoom. I slowly started to shift each week. I started to see things in a different light. Through the eyes of love and not hate. I started to see that I was a part of a much larger thing and we are all in this together. I felt everyone's pain, their happiness, their gratefulness, everything. I realized how everyone cares for each other. We all want to see each other grow and heal and that things could not go back to the way they were before. Both, for me and for the world. I am now an outrageous lover. I look out of my eyes in a different view and I have shifted from the pain and anger and hate to outrageous love. I feel as if I am a different creature! I love you all!” 

Penny Lane

I have been drawn to integral life programs for years, but I didn't get most of them. Ken Wilber was too intellectual for me, hard to grasp easily, still, the truth of what he was saying came through. One glorious day I stumbled upon One Church, Many Paths, One Mountain and Marc Gafni. . And now, I sit inspired the whole time he is conveying his message of the intimacy of the cosmos and homo amor. I am enthralled. and my spirit comes alive! I can't wait for Sunday. I stay excited and open all day. I haven't had a church whose teachings I could completely wrap myself in until now. And it is changing my life. Thank you, Marc Gafni, for your dedication to the Truth, the Beauty and the Goodness in life and making it accessible to all of us. And to Christina, David and the crew you are amazing and inspiring!!!

I feel inspired that I can make a difference and that I don't have to do it alone. When I say yes to the energy in me that wants to grow and expand, I receive more and more from the Universe who is my partner in all of life.

Krista Steenbergen

One Mountain, Many Paths is amazing, life changing & soul awakening! It invites you to contribute to the transformation of the world and step up as a unique leader! I love how it includes everything: science, economics, politics, spirituality, philosophy, religion, and EROS and offers a bigger perspective and story to participate in! You are so welcome to join us! Big thank you to Marc, Barbara, Lisa and the rest! Outrageous Love, Krista

Jamie Long

One Mountain, Many Paths fills the need of a full religious path to transformation within the modern discoveries of evolution and integral complexity science. Evolution, far from a mere scientific theory, is a full religious and spiritual foundation upon which our physical universe exists, and which the human can realize psychological wholeness and well-being. This is the spiritual commuity of the mystic/scientist Teilhard de Chardin I've been searching for.

Duncan McClintock

There is bounteous wisdom here, all shared with an open and connected heart. There is magic here, a blending of many worldviews, all with soul and purpose.

Carol Austein

I was able to watch the recording from the New Year service and I really love the message and the knowledge shared. I am at work usually when the service is streaming live, so I have to watch the recording, but I am seriously interested in becoming a member.

Kaitlyn Mac Grady

Such Beauty and Love for all, the amazing power and wisdom and love that pours from this movement and people are amazing.

Judith McNelis

Wonderfully inspiring! Brilliantly on fire. Hallelujah.

Kevin Wallace

If you are beyond traditional religious confines and are transforming to have a heart that embraces all of life this family is a great connection.

Rachel Goldberg

I am a creative being and really am excited to learn and experience more. The fit seems like a blessing and so timely. Thank you and looking forward to assisting in your growth and mission.

Connie Baxter Marlow

Barbara and Marc bringing forth the cosmic love story and the birth of the new humanity. It is very aligned with our vision: There is ONLY love.

Janet Grace Nelson

Truly an ExtraOrdinary experience to connect with Barbara & Marc's brilliant Hearts on this Evolutionary journey. What a blessing it is to have this Community to call HOME.

Murray Dean Russel

Life changing, world changing, my single greatest hope for biosphere and noosphere alike!!!!!!!!!!!! no B.S. they ARE that good... Nay, they are CRITICAL FOR WORLD SURVIVAL! really, love those folks.

Gwendydd Gorchinsky-Lambo

Just listen once and you will get it. I hope I am going this strong when I am 89 years old. I love this woman!!!!!!! Marc's knowledge and passion in all he expresses SO TURNS ME ON! Evolutionary Eros I believe is what is going to save Humanity.

RoseAnn Kennett

It is creating unity at a time where divisiveness is rampant. Thank you!!

Todd Waymon

Acceptance, Love, Wisdom = Barbara!

Chinmayo Forro

Visionary and real co-creation of new paradigm of love.

One Mountain, Many Paths is an online, interactive, spiritual community devoted to understanding the universal truths that lead to discovering your greatest personal depth and participating in the world around you with your full heart and giving your unique gifts! 


 One Mountain, Many Paths

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Center for Integral Wisdom

PO Box 384
Ben Lomond, CA 95005

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Copyright © 2020 by One Mountain, Many Paths         

One Mountain, Many Paths is a project of The Center for Integral Wisdom. The Center for Integral Wisdom is a registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 46-1051882.

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