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Outrageous Love Festival
6-12 August, 2022

The Outrageous Love Festival is a unique experience of deep immersion in the practice of Outrageous Love. Daily dharma-talks with Dr. Marc Gafni, our lead teacher, along with embodied workshops and sessions with our team of seasoned practitioners and teachers. Join alone, or with your friends, and discover a community that exists since over a decade, and which keeps growing every year. We will be together again in person, in our Belgium Castle in 2022. But you can also participate online.

A taste of the Outrageous Love Festival:

Super Personal Invitation by Dr. Marc Gafni

If we ever loved each other - or if you have ever loved anyone - please promise to read slow this whole message... [or listen to it here]

I (Marc) am right now in a hotel room. I just flew from Miami to the West Coast to visit my dear friend, because she's been a little bit sick. 

And one other little piece of bad news…

I completely pulled my back three days ago in a way that I never had. So I'm in fundamentally agonizing pain. So it happens.

Nonetheless, in the middle of everything...

I desperately needed to talk to you.

The Outrageous Love Festival happening this summer is unbelievably important.

It's really important. It's a crazy, big deal.

For the last 10 years, I've shared with many of you that we are poised between utopia and dystopia. 

And that actually...

  • It wasn't too big to fail.

  • That there is a real threat of existential risk - a risk to our very existence.

  • And catastrophic risk – a potential unleashing of human suffering, that's virtually unimaginable.

And that the core – the root cause of existential risk and catastrophic risk – is what I called the Global Intimacy Disorder.

We don't actually have a shared story of value, 

- that will allow us to create in our own bodies, a coherence and intimacy and Eros.
- to create between us a coherence and intimacy and an Eros of joy. 
- And to create that coherence, that intimacy, that Eros, that joy… between people across the globe.

Every problem today, every challenge – existential risk and catastrophic risk – requires global coherence, requires global coordination.

You can't get global coherence without global intimacy. 

And you can't get intimacy without being in a shared story of value.

Only from that shared story of value, you can find the depth that we need to “Fuck reality open” – to Love reality open.

To create the most beautiful world that is possible, and to actually realize potential utopia’s, not dystopia.

Now, this is not, my friends, meta-theoretical…

… this is about one girl who's 10, who's going to die.

… and another boy who's 11, is going to die even more slowly.

… and another girl and another boy and another old person.

This is talking about a level of human suffering, that's unimaginable.


And you have the capacity, to speak directly into that.

You and I together, can actually change the course of history for real.

And the way we do that is, 

  • We come together.

  • And we tell this new story.

  • And this new story is a story of value.

  • It's rooted in First Principles and First Values.

It’s about how you and I live our lives together.

The same First Principles and First Values that we need for you and I, how to live our lives together.

–In radical Joy,
–Radical Fuck.
–Radical Aliveness.
–Radical Goodness,
–radical Truth,
–radical Beauty.

The same thing you need, and we need between us…

– to actually live in a story of value,

The same thing that will address your depression,

– and your anxiety, 
– and your sense of fear,
– and your sense of confusion.
– and your sense of “Is this all there is?”
– and your sense of “I'm doing okay, I've got it all covered. But is this all there is?”
– and your sense of yearning,
– and your loneliness,
– and your feeling and my feeling…

…that we're actually not living the most beautiful life that we could.

That same story that you and I need, is the story that Reality needs.

  • We need a new sexual narrative.

  • We need a new narrative of desire.

  • We need a new understanding of shame.

  • We need a new realization of purpose.

  • We need a new narrative of identity.

  • We need a new universe story.


We've spent the last decade working on this and it's coming together in a shocking way.

We're in the Renaissance together - we are the Renaissance.

So here I am – I have agonizing back pain.

I'm completely with you.

I'm madly delighted to see you.

But I'm not willing to say: “It's my job to convince you to come.”

No deal.

That's the old world, right? 

Where I gotta sell you something to show up.


  • I want you to show up because you care about the world.

  • I want you to show up because you actually can feel the joy and the suffering, the pain and the possibility.

  • I want you to show up because you're willing to take your seat at the table.

Let's show up and do this!

I can promise you one thing: we will step into a field of joy.

  • A field of Eros

  • A field of creativity…

  • A field of Goodness

  • A field of emergent Gnosis

…that's unimaginable!!!

And in your most direct personal life, something will move and change in a way that you can't even imagine. 

So, I'm turning to you, and I'm saying...

Let's skip the marketing bullshit.

Let's the skip the “Oh, do I have time? Do I not have time?”

All the stuff we do when we're consumers. We make everybody commodify things for us, to try and please us, to give us a quick hit of pseudo-Eros.

No, no, no, no, we're not doing it this way!

  • We are partners!

  • We've been together at a festival before.

  • We know what the possibility is.

This is a year like no other.

We have exactly 100 places available.

So please, today,

Show up.

And let's do this together.


  • We're actually going to wake up in a new way.

  • We're going to grow up in a new way.

  • We're going to open up in a way that we've never done. 

  • And we're going to show up for reality. 

So wow! 

I could not be more ecstatic to see you. And I'm trembling right now. Not just because of the back pain that you're tired of hearing about. But because I'm trembling before Thee. I'm trembling before She, before the Goddess, who needs us to do this! 

This is ours to do. It's ours to come together. As a band of Outrageous Lovers, to tell this new story of value, to articulate it, to write it, to film it, to laugh it, to dance it, to sex it, to love it open.

This is ours to do!

And you know what, I'm not going to make 30 new videos, every day to entertain you. 

I'm just going to keep ­–Fucking– sending you the same one every day. 

So, at the end of my life…

At the end of your life…

[Because we're all held in joy and accountability at the end of our lives…]


When Reality asks:

“Did you show up?”

Don't say you didn't get an invitation.

This is the invitation.

And it's so personal.

It's so intimate.


Now I know...

I know...

You may be saying: 

“It's my life. I can do what I want with it.”

Of course, it's your life.

And my friends....

Of course, it's not your life!

  • You didn't choose when to be born.

  • You didn't choose where to be born.

  • You didn't choose to whom to be born.

  • You didn't choose what gifts you have and don't have.

  • You didn't choose your socio-economic class.

  • And we're not going to choose where we die.

So yes, it's your life and my life at one level, and we should have appropriate boundaries for sure.

  • But it's also much bigger than our lives

  • We’re being lived by something so much larger.

  • We're being lived by Outrageous Love herself.

  • We are at the band of Outrageous Lovers.

  • We're going to come together and love each other like we never have before.

That's the way of the heart.
When we open the Eye of the Heart something happens.
Something new is possible.
And Reality stands at this crossroads.
And we have to take the road less traveled by,
and that Beloved's, Outrageous Lovers, friends,
that will make all the difference.

Thank you so very, very, very much.

Totally humbly, totally loving you.

Totally waiting to be there together.

And if we need to put up tents, we'll get extra places. We need to find little hotels nearby where people can stay. We'll do that.

But for one moment in your life, let go of comfort and choose pleasure:

  • The pleasure of taking a seat at the table.

  • The pleasure of taking responsibility for the whole thing.

  • The pleasure of loving each other and loving reality open in a way that we never have before.

Thank you madly.

Love you madly madly.

- Dr. Marc Gafni

Visionary, Philosopher, Author
Office for the Future
Center for Integral Wisdom

White Sheet

Listen to this personal invitation by Dr. Marc Gafni ...

About Dr. Marc Gafni

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Gafni is a visionary thinker, social activist and passionate philosopher. He is known for his "source code teachings”, including Unique Self theory and the Five Selves, the Amorous Cosmos, A Politics of Evolutionary Love, A Return to Eros and Digital Intimacy.

He is author of twenty five books, of which the first ten have been published, including the award-winning Your Unique Self: The Radical Path to Personal Enlightenment.

He holds his doctorate in philosophy from Oxford University, as well as Orthodox rabbinic ordination.

Gafni is a visionary thinker, social activist and passionate philosopher. He is known for his "source code teachings”, including Unique Self theory and the Five Selves, the Amorous Cosmos, A Politics of Evolutionary Love, A Return to Eros and Digital Intimacy.

He is author of twenty five books, of which the first ten have been published, including the award-winning Your Unique Self: The Radical Path to Personal Enlightenment.

He holds his doctorate in philosophy from Oxford University, as well as Orthodox rabbinic ordination.

Gafni is playing a pivotal role in evolving a new ‘dharma,’ or meta-theory of meaning overflowing with heart - a new set of distinctions, that is helping to re-shape key pivoting points in global consciousness and culture.

He teaches on the cutting edge of philosophy and spirit in the West, with the aim of participating in the articulation of what Dr. Gafni together with Dr. Zak Stein and colleagues are calling CosmoErotic Humanism.


At the core of CosmoErotic Humanism is what Dr. Gafni and Dr. Stein are calling  ‘First Principles and First Values’, Anthro-Ontology, and a “Universal Grammar of Value”.

This is the ground of a new shared universe story and a new narrative of identity for the new human and the new humanity. This is what they are calling the emergence from Homo sapiens to Homo Amor.

This shared story rooted in First Principles and First Values can then serve as the matrix for a global ethos for a global civilization. 

White Sheet


My breakthrough at this festival is a real embodied sense that reality is desire! I felt that in every cell in my body! Very liberating and very powerful!

Simona & Krista

Marc is beyond brilliant, he is so brilliant in everything he knows and embodies. He is really in devotion of everybody and everything and every being.


We are madly in love with each other. It is a glimpse of an Enlightened society!

Praise for the Outrageous Love Festival


One Mountain, Many Paths is an online, interactive, spiritual community devoted to understanding the universal truths that lead to discovering your greatest personal depth and participating in the world around you with your full heart and giving your unique gifts! 


 One Mountain, Many Paths

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Center for Integral Wisdom

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Ben Lomond, CA 95005

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One Mountain, Many Paths is a project of The Center for Integral Wisdom. The Center for Integral Wisdom is a registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 46-1051882.

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