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The Simple First Principle of Unique Self

"Who are you? You are an irreducibly unique expression of the LoveIntelligence and LoveBeauty and LoveDesire, that is the initiating and animating Eros and energy of All-That-Is, that lives in you, as you, and through you, that never was, is, or will be again in all eternity other than through you.

And as such, you have an irreducibly unique perspective. And as such, you are an irreducibly unique quality of intimacy, and your irreducibly unique perspective and your irreducibly unique quality of intimacy come together to foster your Unique Gift.

Your Unique Gift is your very being. Your very being-ness is your Unique Gift and it is also a Unique Gift that you have a capacity to actually offer into your unique circle of intimacy and influence, which means to actually access your deepest heart’s desire, which is the field of desire uniquely expressed as you, and commit your Outrageous Acts of Love.

Your Outrageous Acts of Love are a function of your deepest heart’s desire, which is the field of desire and consciousness uniquely expressed as you, that is actually you, the leading edge of evolution, you, who manifested the whole thing. Because where could you have been at the Big Bang other than right there? There was no place else to be. You started the whole thing.

Our hands are linked in Unique Self Symphony and each of us are committing Outrageous Acts of Love and each of us are standing together at the abyss of darkness and actually generating this fourth Big Bang, generating this Unique Self Symphony.

It is that set of First Principles that is going to take us beyond existential risk. It is that set of First Principles that is going to take us beyond catastrophic risk. It is that set of First Principles that is going to actually heal suffering, feed the hungry, realize human potential, realize hope beyond imagination, realize beauty, goodness, and truth beyond imagination. Without First Principles we will fail."

This blogpost is a direct quotation from Dr. Marc Gafni from our weekly Live Global Communion Service on Sunday at 10 am PT.

Join our Global Communion of Evolutionary Souls and sign up for FREE for our weekly Live Global Communion Service here:

Your Unique Self: The Radical Path to Personal Enlightenment



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One Mountain, Many Paths is a project of The Center for Integral Wisdom. The Center for Integral Wisdom is a registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 46-1051882.

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